Plug'n'Grow Is Your Trusted Partner For Profitable Hydroponics

Plug’n’Grow was established to address the rapid development in the agriculture ecosystem and the resulting rising demand for advanced agriculture technologies, such as soilless agriculture. The company was established in 2019, capitalizing on a long history of experience with soilless food production through its diverse and specialized team and founders. The company has developed soilless production systems that are specially tailored for developing markets, with a keen eye on achieving a balance between the best product quality and the highest economic feasibility.
Plug’n’Grow offers the highest cumulative years of experience in this industry in the regional market. Additionally, our team possesses a unique experience with building and operating commercial-scale soilless facilities in Egypt for the past 8 years. Culminating in a sharp focus on the specifics and minute details of the production process, enabling Plug’n’Grow to lead one of the largest Hydroponic Projects to be established in the world over the next 3 years and becoming a preferred partner for many international organizations focusing on the development of the agriculture sector, such as UNIDO, and GIZ, as well as multiple reputable research organizations, such as Aachen Universität, University of Bari, Politecnico di Milano, and Athens University of Economics and Business.
Business With Plug'n'Grow
Commercial-Scale Facilities' Design ..
Plug’n’Grow specializes in designing and optimizing commercial-scale facilities by integrating technologies best suited for each project's requirements. Following an Engineering-to-Requirement approach, we believe that each production facility - irrelevant of the desired output -must achieve economic competitiveness to ensure the business scalability; not only sustainability. Through a well-rounded design process, we are able to devise accurate projections of real-time applications of the design and thereby successfully optimizing operational outputs and costs.
Commercial-Scale Operational Design ..
Unlike small-scale operations, commercial production operations deploying soilless technologies require very well-designed and modeled operational scenarios reflecting real-life scenario challenges, which are often foreign to both designers and operators. Our team has participated in building, operating, and consulting some of the largest and most successful soilless operations in the MEA region, we are able to reflect this unique experience in our operational design, a cornerstone of successful facility design and execution.
Operational Success
Technology is an ever-evolving component of the process, alongside know-how. Operational success is to a great part reliant on the initial layout and output of the deployed technology, however continuous update and improvement of the know-how is crucial to business sustainability and growth. Plug’n’Grow is a reliable partner to several successful soilless production operations through a suite of services and products that covers the entire technical component of your operation, from initiation to scaling. Once the initial design is concluded and the facility established, Plug’n’Grow encourages a consistent stream of know-how transfer and accumulation, following on the latest global trends and findings for maximum profitability. A success indicator for Plug’n’Grow is the continuing collaboration with producers that have been leading the market since 2015, with thousands of tons produced annually.
Your Soilless Farm with Plug'n'Grow

Extensive Experience in Soilless Techniques
Deep-Water-Culture Systems, NFT, Substrate, Aeroponics

Highest Efficiency Systems
Up to 25x productivity in leafy greens of traditional practices 114 kg/m2.year – at least 2 to 3x the productivity of average soilless systems

Longest Soilless Operational Experience in Egypt
10+ years; leafy greens, fruiting crops, tubers

Strong Consultancy Network
Network of 200+ local and international Consultants

Extensive Experience in Climate-Controlled Greenhouses
Polycarbonate, Single/Double Layered Polyethylene, Net Houses

Most Competitive Economics
Production costs in Egypt as low as USD 0.5 per kg – at least 30% less than other technology providers

Diverse and Specialized Team
60+ professionals in Engineering, Research, Agronomy, Chemistry, Microbiology, Operations, and more.

Collaboration with Top Academic Institutes
Research collaboration with more than 13 academic institutes, including; RWTH Aachen, Polytechnic University of Milan (POLIMI), Athens University, Central Lab for Agricultural Climate (Egypt)
Let’s Grow Crops Together
Section 179, Line 6 North.
Ahmed Orabi Agricultural Cooperation. Obour City.
Cairo, Egypt.
Tel: 02 24696045